Friday, January 7, 2011

Grocery Trip... with a calculator!

So, I was determined to find foods that I already love and enjoy to get from Wegmans last night (Wegmans is a major Grocer on the East Coast).  Here is what I found:

  1. Fruit (duh)-- 0
  2. Thai Kitchen Bowls-- 6
  3. Smart Ones-- 4-6
  4. Mini Chocolate Quaker Rice Cakes-- 3 for 13
  5. Honey Mustard salad dressing-- 2 
Here are some lessons learned... 

  1. Crasins aren't as good as you think, I thought that since it was dried fruit it would be free.  WRONG!  It is 4 points for 1/4 cup... I know I eat more than that!
  2. Pretzels are the same point value as the Chocolate Quaker Rice cakes!
  3. Salad dressings are all about the same point value.  Everyone that I looked at last night were 2 points.  So I got the yummy one!
  4. Fruit is expensive... I may need to go frozen on that...
  5. 5 oz of formula is 3 points... no wonder babies are so healthy!
I am finding this a lot easier, and already I feel a difference.  I do have more energy, but I am hungrier than I was before (go figure, portions lol).  It is comforting to know that I can do this 'on the go,' and that so far I do not have to kill myself learning anything really 'new.'  What will be hard is when I go back this semester (Tuesday), and trying to stay away from the cafeteria.  I HAVE to pack snacks from now on.  That is why I like getting the fresh fruit, literally I just toss it in my bag and go.  

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